The Donuts Republic: A New NFT World


3 min readDec 21, 2021


Hello! I’m Donut, the leader of the Donuts Republic. My fellow donuts and I are lucky to be living in our tropical paradise.The Donuts Republic is a collection of 5000 programmatically generated donuts living in a tropical island located in the Metaverse. We live together with our friends on a small island on the coast of a large continent called “The Cyber.”We have been looking for freedom from tyranny and oppression for as long as we can remember. That’s why we made this website: to share our story with those who may not know what it means to be free.

The Donuts Republic and its inhabitants

The Donuts Republic is a virtual country inhabited by 5000 programmatically generated donuts.

The Donuts Republic is located in the metaverse — a networked virtual environment which mimics physical reality. The country spans 9000 km² a of land and is splits into 5 districts: Bradbury, Lutrell, Metzger, Pierce and Walker.

It is governed by a democratically elected mayor who is elected every 10 cycles (approx 2 weeks) through an algorithm-based voting system called REPUBLICANOIDS where each district’s votes are weighted based on their size in comparison to other districts’ populations.

We are human rights defenders

The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights defines a human rights defender as someone who acts peacefully to promote or safeguard human rights.

Those who advocate for and preserve the rights of others are known as human rights defenders (HRDs). Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders mandate was formed in consideration of the fact that human rights defenders are frequently harassed, attacked, imprisoned or even tortured for their peaceful activities.

People who strive peacefully to combat corruption are known as Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). Even if corruption isn’t an issue that directly affects HRDs, it still has a negative impact on them.

Many anti-corruption activists have shared their stories with me over the past few months, frequently working in risky environments.

Asking HRDs and people in the civil society to share good practices that have worked in protecting anti-corruption HRDs and what more their government can do to protect HRDs working on these problems.

In the next months, I plan to engage closely with human rights organizations and civil society groups, including Transparency International, to address these challenges.

What is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

Non-fungible tokens are more than just a funny play on words. NFTs are digital, tokenized representations of unique assets, like donuts.

An NFT is an unforgeable token that is not interchangeable with any other token.This means that each NFT represents one particular donut or asset you have in your collection of digital donuts.

NFTs are different from regular cryptocurrencies which are fungible because they are essentially just pieces of code and all the same to the blockchain. Imagine if we swapped out one horse for another in a corral — it wouldn’t make much difference to the horse.

Join our Republic

Visit our Website where minting phases will take place:

Follow us on Twitter for daily updates: The Donuts Republic

Stay Tuned on our Discord for airdrops and giveaways: Discord The Donuts Republic



The Donuts Republic is a collection of 5000 programmatically generated donuts living in a tropical island located in the Metaverse.